Ladson Industrial Park

Site Work | Utilities

This project involved the comprehensive development of a 61-acre site, resulting in three new industrial buildings totaling 730,000 square feet. Key infrastructure work included the excavation of five new retention ponds and the installation of 4,000 linear feet of storm drainage piping. To prepare the site, 105,000 cubic yards of import fill was placed to bring the area to grade.

Extensive utility work was performed, including the installation of 13,000 linear feet of water main to provide water services and fire loops. Additionally, 16,500 linear feet of curb and gutter were placed, and 64,000 square yards of asphalt roadway and parking areas were paved.

The project also required the re-routing of an existing Charleston County ditch, the installation of a box culvert crossing, and the re-routing of an existing 14-inch sanitary force main.


Omni Business Park