Tire Kingdom Distribution Center

Site Work | Utilities

TBC Corp. selected Landmark Construction as its site work, soil stabilization, concrete, and utility contractor for its 1.1 million-square-foot Tire Kingdom distribution center in Summerville, SC.

Landmark constructed over two million square feet of building pads for three buildings, 3,400 linear feet of two- and four-lane roadways, and a complete utility system, including water, sewer, and fire protection mains. Each building pad was built using on-site borrow material and approximately 200,000 cubic yards of imported borrow material, with surcharges up to 20 feet placed on each pad until settlement was complete. Nearly two million cubic yards of surcharge material were handled prior to the completion of each pad, utilizing miles of temporary haul roads. The 115,000-square-yard parking area was constructed and soil stabilized with over 5,000 tons of cement in preparation for concrete pavement. Ponds constructed on the site totaled 625,000 cubic yards of sandy-clay material, which was used for borrow and surcharge.

Construction of sanitary utility trunk lines included a deep sewer lift station, a force main with air release valves, gravity sewer manholes, and gravity sewer. Water lines included water mains and fire protection mains.


Santee Cooper Deep Foundations


May River High School