A&R Logistics

Site Work | Concrete | Utilities

A&R Logistics, Inc. is a leading provider of dry bulk transportation services, warehousing and packaging, distribution, and third-party logistics solutions to numerous multinational companies within the chemical and plastic industries. Their expansion into the Charleston market is being led by Frampton Construction as the General Contractor. Landmark Construction was contracted to construct a 615,000 square-foot building pad and underground utility systems, including domestic water, fire water, sanitary sewer, and a force main with a lift station. Additionally, Landmark handled the installation of all curbs, sidewalks, and asphalt for the project. They were also responsible for installing the sub-base for the rail yard and connecting tracks, totaling over 50,000 square yards of grading work and rock base installation. Landmark was further contracted to construct an additional 4,000 linear-foot roadway and adjacent utilities for future use in conjunction with the building site work. This new roadway will connect the A&R Logistics building with Galliard Road and provide truck access to Highway 52. In addition to constructing the roadway base, Landmark also installed a new gravity sewer main, which included open-cutting Galliard Road to complete the installation. They also installed a new water main, storm drainage improvements, and a sidewalk along the entire length of the road. The site improvement work done here serves A&R Logistics but will also service the neighboring parcels as they are developed.




Volvo Car Manufacturing Plant